Upcycled DIY Lightbulb Snowman Ornament

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Winter is here, it’s December, and it’s time to start decorating for Christmas!  Although I have no chance of making a real snowman here in Arizona I still like a touch of winter in my house around the holidays.  Next time a light bulb burns out turn it into a cute snowman ornament!  This project is fun and easy and super cheap!

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Used light bulbs
Painters tape
Spray adhesive
White/Silver glitter
Black puffy (dimensional) paint
Orange puffy (dimensional) paint
Hot glue gun/hot glue
Collected sticks for arms

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Cover the top of the light bulbs with painters tape.

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Follow the directions on your spray adhesive and spray one side of the light bulbs.

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On a separate piece of newspaper, sprinkle glitter on the light bulbs.
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Pour loose glitter back into glitter container.

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Repeat on the other side of the light bulbs.

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Use puffy paint to add eyes, carrot nose, and mouth. Allow paint to dry for at least 4 hours.

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Remove painters tape.

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Collect tiny sticks from nature to use for arms.

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Add hot glue and hold stick in place  for about a minute or until glue dries.

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Repeat on other side.

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Hang with wire or thread.